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Why You Should Join PWCA of MD

This Chapter is an active, fiscally sound organization composed of contractors and suppliers in the construction industry. Our Purpose is to define, establish, and preserve the identity and common interests of the contracting industry, to promote better relations between members, governmental agencies, other associations, other contractors and suppliers, manufacturers, engineers, and the public, to represent the common interest of Association members, including participating in hearings, meetings, and conferences held by legislative and other public administrative bodies and such governmental activities as may be of significance or interest to the contracting industry, to promote research for the contracting industry, to encourage and educate members on safety in the conduct of work, to promote the practical application of scientific and technical knowledge for the benefit of public health, safety, and comfort.

Throughout its history, the PWCA has played a pivotal role in shaping the direction of the utility construction industry in Maryland. By maintaining an active presence in Annapolis, the PWCA’s members have successfully influenced legislation which provides necessary protection for contractors in areas like locating underground utilities (“Miss Utility”), mechanic’s lien rights for water and sewer contractors, and ensuring adequate protection of payment in private contracting.

​The PWCA has also maintained its close relationship with the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, through regular meetings with staff to address issues, which affect all businesses, and by participating in public hearing and meeting with the Commissioners. The continuing dialogue between the PWCA and the WSSC helps to ensure that the highest quality of service can be provided for the most competitive price to the ratepayers of the Sanitary District.

For the past couple years, the PWCA has also been working with Prince George’s County on several issues, one of which was updating their Specifications. We are expanding even more by developing a close relationship with Montgomery County, City of Rockville and the District of Columbia Department of Public Works & Transportation.

In the last decade, on two separate occasions, the PWCA or one of its members, has also taken a leadership role in advancing the interest of free, open and equal access to public contracting when its members undertook to dismantle a contracting preference program implemented by the WSSC which violated the fundamental right of equal protection under the law guaranteed by our Constitution. The resolve of the member companies of the PWCA to stand up for, and seek legal redress for violations of, such important constitutional rights has set a standard for this Association.

The PWCA will re-affirm its commitment to its members and communities that their families and friends call home. 2005 also promises to continue the long-standing tradition of PWCA members having fun. Annual Social Events include a Summer Crab Feast, a Golf Tournament, Oyster Roast, and Winter Ball. These are just a few ways the members can mix business with pleasure and afford themselves the opportunity to exchange information and opinions concerning social and economic conditions, business and legislative trends, and equipment performance and maintenance.

The PWCA holds regular scheduled board of director and general membership meetings. These meetings are open to all members of the association. The general membership meetings are held 9 times a year.

​© Copyright 2025 by PWCA of Maryland, Inc. All rights reserved.

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